Exciting Exhibitions in Rome's Museums

Ara Pacis Museum

The Ara Pacis Museum is hosting the exhibition "Theatrum. Actors, authors and stories of the ancient theatre" until September 29, 2024. This exhibition explores the history and culture of ancient Roman theatre.

Palazzo Bonaparte

At the Palazzo Bonaparte, the exhibition "Vincent Peters: Timeless Time" is on display until August 25, 2024. This showcases the work of renowned photographer Vincent Peters.

MAXXI museum

The MAXXI museum is featuring two exhibitions - "Ambience 1956-2010: Lifeworlds of Women Artists II" until October 20, 2024, and the "Expodemic: Festival of foreign academies and cultural institutes" until August 25, 2024.

Capitoline Museums

The Capitoline Museums have a long-term exhibition - the "Reconstruction of the statue of Constantine" in the Garden of the Villa Caffarelli, which can be visited free of charge until December 31, 2025.